10- 16 February 2025


Contact Improvisation · Movement & Dance · Consent & Communication

Self-Exploration · Creativity & Play ·  BDSM & Kink

Nature & Wilderness · Eros & Sensuality · Community & Spirituality


An Intensive Class is taught most every morning of the retreat. Each participant signs up for only one. Although we will try, we can not ensure you will be part of you first choice. Intensive offerings run parallel so you will be part of only one group.

InterBorders: Improvisation of movement and creative process
offered by Aurora Ortiz

RAÍCES encourages us to reflect on the roots of our movement, creativity, and connection. This practice and laboratory explore how our foundations—our lineage, identity, and embodied history—nourish and sustain our presence in dance, relationships, and space. How do our roots inform our improvisation? How can they inspire us to expand into spontaneity and authenticity?

This class invites you to dance between the subtle and expansive, exploring the “space between”: the edges of your body and its layers, the boundaries between bodies, and the points where movement and stillness meet. Through scores for improvisation, somatic practices, and contemporary dance mechanics, we will connect to our axis, peel back physical sensations, and deepen our awareness of the self and others.

The creative laboratory opens space for instant composition, writing, and reflection. It invites you to explore the roots of what moves you—your passions, lineage, identity—and how these inspire your creative processes. The session concludes with reflection through drawing, poetry, and shared inquiry into questions like: What are the roots of my presence? How do my origins shape my movement? How do I expand from these roots into connection with others?

This workshop is an invitation to embody your roots, transforming them into a fertile ground for presence, movement, and creation.


Introduction to Sexological Bodywork™

offered by Ale Karasik

RAÍCES invites us to explore our roots—our origins, nourishment, and the interconnections that sustain us. This introductory course integrates the theme by guiding you into the deep roots of your sexual embodiment. Where do your patterns originate? How can your connection to ancient wisdom nourish authentic expansion and erotic self-expression?

This workshop is a journey of discovery into the possibilities of Sexological Bodywork™. Through group activities, you will uncover how the wisdom of your body serves as a profound source of insight and healing, supporting your personal growth and your ability to hold space for others.

The teaching blends breathwork, anatomy of pleasure, touch and communication, boundaries, consent, active reception, and genital mapping, while weaving in reflections on how our roots shape our current experience. Each session incorporates experiential practices, theoretical material, and preparatory activities to help you explore new ways of relating to yourself and others. The practice cultivates a state of sexual activation, freeing us from inherited limitations and opening a meditative presence that honors our origins and the body’s inherent wisdom.

Sexological Bodywork™ is a trauma-informed, consent-based somatic sex education method, rooted in GSRD (Gender, Sexual, and Relationship Diversity) Awareness Guidelines. Note: activities may include nudity and genital bodywork, with biosecurity measures (medical gloves, sanitizers) in place. While suitable for most, this workshop may not be ideal for those with active PTSD.

The workshop welcomes individuals and couples. In 2025, the full professional training program will debut in Mexico, taught entirely in Spanish for the first time.


Each afternoon you can spontaneously choose the class you would like to join.

Among Deities and Demons

offered by Pilar Echevarría

Deities: Wisdom that emanates and reveals itself through our bodies.

Demons: Emotions that drain and possess us. A long time ago, in a deep process through dance and water—primordial, ancestral, and uterine waters—I was moved by infinite gods and goddesses, always accompanied by beasts and demons.
The gods are never alone in their celestial realm. What is above is always connected with what is below, light with darkness, heaven with the underworld, roots with the gods. The astronomical cycle of Venus is a journey of descent into the underworld and ascent to its maximum splendor.

We will explore this journey reflected in our bodies, in the map of the chakras, with the deities and demons that appear along the way.
We will support ourselves with tools such as dance, somatic practices, and the art of therapies in water.
T&P generates a collective intimacy of great emotional intensity, chaotic and fertile at once.
Intimacy, as a subjective experience, requires subtle somatic listening, the willingness to recognize and value what we truly feel, and the permission to feel even what seems irrational.
What place does emotion have in the relational space?
Can I hold myself in my truth to meet others?
For the T&P gathering in 2025 in Mexico, Venus will reach its maximum brightness and height.
We will be able to see her in the sky during those days.
It is the moment to put on our crowns, to be the gods and goddesses that we are; but for this to happen in a true and authentic way, we must inhabit our essence from the roots.


Embracing Our Queer Ancestors

offered by Igna Alem

Known or unknown to us, we all have queer ancestors. With constellation exercises, we will set the intention to softly and respectfully connect to the dreams and repressed desires of some of them. We will also have time to share and reflect on the privilege we have to live in the times we do and make peace with their repressions, giving back what is theirs and embracing our unique and connected beings.

The Grounding Liaison

offered by Anne Maria Popanda

Grounding is one of the most underestimated tools when it comes to our emotional ability to connect with ourselves and others. Through somatic practices, we slow down to the sweet spot where our consciousness aligns with the safe space of a calm nervous system. Here, we move from overthinking to simply sensing.

This is also the space where we can connect with the primal impulses that guide us toward what feels true for us in the present moment. It’s where we find alignment with the wisdom of our bodies—our autonomy, as expressed through the autonomic nervous system, which holds the memories of all our personal experiences.

In this intimate space, we sink, flow, and rise, moving toward interactions most aligned for each of us. This includes somatic listening, soothing touch, and slow, mindful movement – creating a deep sense of connection with others and offering profound nourishment for both your own being and the bonds you share.


We will journey together through a series of facilitated workshops, semi structured experiences and co-created group processes. As the retreat progresses the content will slowly evolve to explore the deeper and edgier spaces of  embodied relationality.

deCIDE Consent

By DeeJay

We’ll study and practice the Touch&Play’s deCIDE Consent Framework, empowering everyone to communicate their boundaries and desires in an effective and authentic way and collectively building the culture of care we envision.

The Oracle

By DeeJay

“What if you are holding the piece that I’m looking for?”

The Oracle is a semi-structured ritual space for collective emergence, reflection and processing what is alive in the group. It’s a group process that has many uses and is capable of showing us layers of truth that perhaps we were not aware of previously. (www.oracleprocess.org)

Community Offerings

Offered by participants

Everyone can step into leadership with an afternoon dedicated to community offers. Proposals will be selected based on the groups interests and motivations.

Affinity groups

Offered by participants

Sharing groups

Space to digest and integrate in small groups.


Evenings will be semi-structured explorations, with space for dance, play, magic and sacredness.

In our revelry we remember to honor the seen and unseen energies that are dancing with us on this journey. We cultivate intentional spaces to be in reverence and relationship with the sacred spark of  aliveness in everything. With love we offer and with love we receive.

We embrace our desires, creating awareness into our shadows and our interdependecy, and we will invite sensuality and sexuality into our dances when it feels right.


Intro to Contact Improvisation & Jam

by Aurora Ortiz 

Contact Improvisation was born from academic dance research in the 1970’s in the USA and is at the heart of our practices. The form has spread all over the world as a Postmodern Folk Dance.  It’s practice can lead to profound personal and relational refinement and flourishing. At it’s peak it allows the weaving of multiple dynamic flow states where the emergent dance is greater than the sum of its parts. We will explore the basics and the edges of Contact Improvisation.

Evening with Eros and Kink

by Professional Doms

By delving into the dark world of Rope, Role, Power and Sensation Play we choose a path of liberation. Confronting and embracing our shadows we hope to dispel shame , build confidence and find integrity in our boundaries and desires. This evening fusion explores the tools, terminology, and nuances of setting up scenes and/or experiences through the nuanced approaches & lenses of BDSM, Kink & Eros. Beginning with a short performance and demo, followed by Q&A with experienced players, and then flowing into self guided exploration.  

Somatic Grief & Prayer Ritual


Life contains suffering and collectively embracing our pain and our sorrows will help us to digest and compost the things in our life that do not bring us joy. Being seen and held in our grief can cultivate our self compassion and our prosilience. This ritual centers around a simple embodied score, in order to invite grief, love, prayer, and presence to move through the body and be released in order to cultivate more space in and around the heart. Bring your grief, your longing, your love, your tears, your grumbly pain, your beauty, your Being. 

Liquid Love Ritual (TBD)

by Liv and DeeJay

An Immersive Sensual Experience of Communion. The Liquid Love Ritual is a collective journey of the senses. It is an exploration of sensuality in its purest form and can invoke a strong feeling of love for oneself, one’s community and for life itself.


A space to explore the different possibilities of sensuality, play and touch. Areas to explore with a Guardian or a pair of guardians that can be replaced through the evening. The areas would vary depending on the emergent offerings.

Touch&Play Jam

On the final evening, an emergent threshold ritual to relish and honor our experiences in this co-created dream. We will dance, offer gratitude, connect and turn towards the horizon of the dawn of living in deeper connection with our desires and boundaries. A yummy and supportive opportunity to prepare for integration and the return. How do we carry the fruits of our time here together back into the other realms of our lives?



In a span of six days we’ll be offering the space and frame to play and discover within the foundations of the Touch&Play Project.

We will be collectively cultivating the space to dance, discover and connect within the framework of the Touch&Play culture.

There will be a variety of facilitated classes around (the edges of) Contact Improvisation, Movement, Consent & Communication, Self-Exploration, Sensuality & Sexuality, BDSM, Nature&Wilderness, Community and Spirituality.

Also we’ll make sure there are free slots which allow time to breath, integrate, connect further or which might be space for some voluntary community offerings. 

We like to keep a certain flexibility in structure for needs that arise out of the group process, such as discussions, rituals, singing circles, jams and additional creative content.

Our time together begins with an opening circle ritual and cultivating a community of care through our consent framework.

After starting together in a daily morning ritual, each morning we will have the opportunity to take one intensive and going deep with the same facilitator and group.

The afternoons will hold single classes, community offerings, ritual, and spaciousness to rest, play and integrate.

Evenings are full of dance, play and open exploration.

Touch&Play is alive. The organisers reserve the right to change or make adjustments to the schedule or teaching team at any given time and with short notice. Thank you for your understanding.

rituals · workshops · experiences

We will be collectively cultivating the space to dance, discover and connect within the framework of the Touch&Play culture.

WORKSHOPS: the retreat is filled with inspiring offers that form the bedrock of the Touch&Play work.

SPACE TO INTEGRATE: Sharing groups, cuddle spaces, swimming pool and beautiful nature offer space to integrate our experiences.

EVENING ACTIVITIES: Evening activities will be full of intrigue and delight!  Curated dance spaces, rituals, a costume party, an evening of performances, an exploratorium, and more!


Join the 4th Edition
Registrations are open