10-16 February 2025


This is a gathering about dance, play, vulnerability and building a community rich in emotional, sensorial and erotic intelligence.


More info soon

Stay tuned. Registrations will open October 11th.

 Society has tamed the way we eat, love, feel, think, play. We ourselves have tamed our inner child. We have outcast our fools, our witches, and whores. We repress our sexualities, and sensual existence in the name of safety, acceptance, and control. In untamed wildness and truth we face our fear, feel our joy and anger, we reconnect to our pleasure and freedom. 

This is an invitation to play authentically, to be spontaneous, to relate through our senses, our bodies, to the suppressed elements within us, the land and other human beings. Invoking raw, and wild forces we can root into our relations with earth, water, fire, and air. Trusting that we have the capacity to hold our fullness as we ground into connection with the Earth to free ourselves and those around us.

 To play like children with response-ability. To express and feel our emotions fully, knowing we are sovereign and secure. To taste your sweat, taste the ocean knowing they are both waters of the earth. 

To return to love and to our untamed selves.

Registrations will open soon